During these last months, here in Spain there is news of the tragic situation of the migrants who try to come to the Canary Islands. Many of them die in the boats, others, who manage to arrive, are kept crowded together at the embankment of the harbor.
From Valladolid, in the week when we celebrated All Saints Day and All Souls Day, we wanted to have a commemoration of all those persons who died in anonymity in the sea, at the borders, on the benches of our streets and alone in the hospital.
This prayer, organized in the church of the Handmaids by the Red Migrantes con Derechos (Network for Migrants with Rights) in Valladolid of which the Red Íncola (Incola Network) is a part, is based on the dream of hope of every immigrant when he leaves his land in search of a better life. However, on many occasions those dreams are cut short, broken by the mafias, the walls, indifference, inequality or loneliness.
All these situations we placed in the hands of God, with our fragility and our hope, asking him to change our hearts so that they will not be indifferent to this news, and will be hearts that welcome our brother; that with our body we may protect him, and be a balm for all the wounds, that with our enthusiasm and ideas we may be capable of promoting a more dignified life for all, and that we may rise up and act to achieve a society that leaves no one outside, an inclusive society.
Here is the link to the VIDEO
Eduardo Menchaca Ponce de León, INCOLA NETWORK COORDINATOR.