
From the 5th to the 19th of June, I participated in a meeting of the working group of RENATE – Religious European Networking Against Trafficking and Exploitation – in Eresing, Bavaria, south of Germany.There were 30 persons participating from 20 European countries, the majority from...

In the time and space in which they lived, Saint Raphaela Mary, Mother Pillar and the first Handmaids found the way, through education, to respond to the needs of reality. Today, like them, we desire to respond to the hopes of humanity and to God’s dream convinced...

It is a reverent encounter of freedoms, with an affective and empathic tonewhere contrasts are called to be lived in the plurality of differences.It is a space where one enters from one's own vulnerability to engage in atransforming and healing process that recuperates, recreates, and...

"An indispensable quality in an educator is love for her students. If this love truly exists, that love will make you seek at every moment what is best for each girl." (Mother Christina, 1951) Around the corners of our classrooms, we share about God’s love, we...

Santa Rafaela Social Services Center began in Kinshasa in the 90’s as a literacy center for youth and for the mothers in the neighborhood who were unable to attend school. The literacy program has always been combined with some activity which would help them to develop skills...

GCXXI called us to dive deeply into how we live together and create together a NEW CULTURE, being as we are people who hail from many different nations, cultures, generations and realities. How can we discover the living richness at the authentic core of each...

We are more and more aware that we need to give proper attention to the economy in order to integrate it with maturity in our life andmission. It should express our consecration - vow of poverty, our mission - reparative and Eucharistic, and our fraternity...

Timor is a small country that has achieved its independence after having suffered many human losses. During the Indonesian occupation, education was largely provided by Indonesian teachers. When the country came to independence it had no trained native teachers to teach. From its inhabitants arose...