On July 1, 1879, the sisters are handed the keys to the Obelisk house. Rafaela is 29 years old.
On June 9, 1892, Mother Sacred Heart leaves for Rome; She is 42 years old.
Thirteen years have passed.
During those years, Rafaela led the Institute, although she never claimed to be a foundress. In the house on Obelisk St she was the Mistress of Novices, a “heart that forms hearts.” May and diverse events transpired: the Statutes of the Institute were written, the Decretum Laudis (24.1.1886) was issued, the Institute received pontifical approval (29.1.1887), the Constitutions were approved. Rafaela and Pilar made their perpetual profession (Raphaela, in 1888 and Pilar, a year later). During those years, new houses were established and the Institute grew: branching out to Córdoba, Jerez, Zaragoza, Bilbao, Coruña, Cádiz, San Bernardo …
Those were years of joy and of suffering. On the one hand, a spirit of union, enthusiasm, courage and determination reigned… it was the beginning of the expansion of the Institute, not without difficulties, but with a great sense of hope and God’s providence.
Raphaela guided and grew the Institute during these tender years of searching and new initiatives, in which the joy, enthusiasm and newness coexisted with difficulties, friction, conflicts…